Monday, January 10, 2011

Let's Talk About Stuff

Good day, everyone! While you all beef up on the vitamin C to help get over that wicked case of the Monday's and/or herpes, I thought we'd talk about a few random things. Here we go:

In sports, the Seattle Seahawks shocked the world, taking down the defending champs on Saturday. So much for the mockery of a 7-9 team hosting a playoff game. Enjoy the offseason, New Orleans...try not to be too sad, it could be worse. Hey, remember Hurricane Katrina?

Foot-sex wasn't the only thing putting a smile on the face of Rex Ryan yesterday, as his Jets moved on with a 17-16 victory over the Colts. The loss sends Peyton Manning home for the holidays to join Eli at their folk's ranch for an "Awe, shucks-off". Is it just me or does anyone else think the Mannings were spawned when Gomer Pile & Jeff Foxworthy double-teamed John Elway?

The Chiefs lost to Baltimore in one of the most boring playoff games ever. Fun sidenote: "Somewhere Over the Dwayne Bowe" is my favorite NFL nickname of 2010.

Mike Vick will be heading home early after tossing a pick to effectively end the season against the Packers Sunday night. Boy, he really screwed the pooch this time. (too soon?)

The Beefy Crunch Burrito at Taco Bell is actually quite delicious. That's the one with the firey-hot fritos in it. At $.99 each, its a nice way to spend 15 minutes of your lunch before finishing off the day with 4 hours of explosive diarrhea.

Anyone who hasn't eaten at Howley's Diner in West Palm, you need to get on it, it's freakin' awesome. If you haven't been there....I got 4 words for ya: Bacon Mac and Cheese.

Anyone else see Black Swan yet? Mila Kunis & Natalie Portman make out. It's pretty awesome. I was gonna post a clip for you guys but when I searched "black swan lesbian make out" in google I got distracted. In a related story, you guys know there's a lot of weird porn available on the web?

That's all I got for now...I'll try to post something a little more interesting later on today.


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