Hobos Need Love, Too!
So I guess Ted Williams, the Velvet-Voiced Drifter has got homeless guys everywhere feeling cocky. A friend of mine was at a gas station the other day and a homeless guy came up to her to ask her for a dollar. His next question was a little more forward, as he asked for her number.
Huh? Say what now? The balls on that bastard. He doesn't even have a place to take a chick back to, but that's not stopping him from tryin'! "Hey, if you're not busy, I got a sleeping bag and some Natty Light back at my overpass...you wanna hop in my shopping cart?"
I guess I can't blame the guy...he's still human, he has urges, right? I think if I were a hobo, my sign would either say "Will hump for food" or "Homeless. Hungry. Horny. Interested? God Bless!"
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