Friday, April 28, 2006

Everything is Possible (thought provoking words from my friend Johan)

To find complete composure when you don't know who you are or where you are...that is to accept everything as it is. Even though you don't know who you are, you accept yourself.

That is you in its truest sense.

When you think you know about yourself, you carry preconceptions, expectations...ideas of success and failure. "I am good at sports, I have to be a jock"..."I like math and science, I must be a nerd." You can sometimes over-estimate or under-estimate yourself easily. You limit yourself to an ego.

To say "I have no idea who I am" is to embrace the understanding that everything is possible.
Wednesday Nights Are Fun.

Well, well, well....I hung out with Chuck Deuce tonight. Normally that would be 'nuff said. However, tonight, we made a difference, and I would like to tell you all about it.
First Stop: Grumpy Grouper.
Ok, I'll admit that the name is not the most flattering. Coincidentally enough, neither is the clientelle. I'm not sure, but think I was propositioned for a threesome by a mexican who used my cell phone to potentially make a drug deal, was somewhat hit on by a bar-tender who may or may not have been pregnant....yeah, you know what I mean (mysterious tummy), and was solicited to buy a drink for the previously mentioned said mexican. Needless to say, we made way for a different bar post haste.
Second Stop: Jetsetters.
Can't say enough good things about this place. Very trendy restaurant, cool bar, cool people, cool music, pabst blue ribbon in a can. Great place.
Third Stop: Sneakers.
Jesus Christ! If the savior were born here, the three wisemen would have brought a dime bag & papers, some sort of prison-fashioned shank, and an illigitimate child. This place is sketchy to say the least. However, the beers are moderately priced ($3.50 for 2 miller lite drafts) and the juke box has a wide variety of music to choose from. All in all, I give the following places a thumbs up for mid-week drinking. If it's class you're looking for, maybe try Jetsetters followed by Atlantic Ave in Delray.
But if it's adventure you seek.....rock on out to the other places....Who knows what the fuck will happen...Me and Deuce just may buy you a beer.

G'night and Toodles!


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sunday, April 02, 2006
A Weekend Of Glory....
I went to Daytona Friday & Saturday night with my friends band New Found Glory to see them play a college show.
Here's the trip: Get done with work around 7pm Friday night. Arrive home to find Chuck Deuce and Scuba already boozing it up. Deuce has a 16oz Coors Silver Bullet. Random. I grab the last 3 beers out of the fridge in my room, grab an extra t-shirt, and get on the road. Oh, pit stop..before we get on the nine-nickle, it's two twelve packs of miller in the can. That's right, in the can. Three hours later, two twelve packs, and an extra six pack we picked up in Titusville, we arrived in Daytona.
Got to the hotel & met up with the band & a few other peeps, made some phone calls, drank some more beer, went to the Daytona Ale House. Beer, shots, more beer....then I engaged with a round of locals a not-to-pretty conversation that went something like this:
Woody: Hey, what's fun around here? (I may have said something a little offensive after that...)
Local Bitch: You look like a fag.
Woody (with my finger right up in her face & her boyfriend standing by): Listen bitch, I've FUCKED hotter guys than you.
Which all of my friends thought was humorous but her friends did not. A riot almost ensued, until we decided that doing another round of shots would calm us all down. Then I went pee (in a bathroom, mind you), and when I came back, we were all cut off and asked to leave. I don't see the problem.
The next day, the drinking began at aproximately 11:30am, then we went to Ruby Tuesdays (2-for-1 all day) for lunch. We all got wasted, I bought Steve form NFG a baked potato and a smoothie, Shaun Robbins and I exchanged "Friendship Raisins" after he drank 10 crown & gingers, Deucer spilled a 24oz of miller on himself, promting our pleasently plump plus-sized server to cut him off. We went back to our new friend Natasha's apartment where we all continued to drink until the show started. The band kicked ass, especially considering they hadn't played in over 200 days. Good job.
At some point, I was in a Dennys, a Waffle House, a few dive bars & a Chinese Restaurant. Miller's stock will be making a huge jump on Monday, be sure to get in on that. All in all, I give Daytona 1 thumb up. The company was great, the drinks were ample; however, the Daytona Ale House can Suck A Dick.