Monday, October 08, 2012

I'm back, so let's get to know each other.

Good afternoon,'s been a while since I've posted so I figured we'd share some Get-to-Know-You time with a few fun facts about me:

1. I think bacon can and should be incorporated into every meal.

2. I'm not too concerned about cholesterol.

3. I love and appreciate music more and more as every day goes by.

4. A great portion of my sense of humor has not changed or matured since the age of 12.

5. A wise man once told me, "It doesn't matter what you do out there, as long as you own it," and I find that it pertains to much more than just karaoke. (Thanks Mark!)

6. Cold weather is better than hot weather in moderation. However, at no time is 20 below 0 better than anything.

7. Drugs are overrated.

8. Sex and rock & roll are not.

9. Regardless of how much you excel at making finger puppets, they are not appropriate at funerals.

10. I make a darn sassy cowboy.

11. I enjoy a good strawberry milkshake every once and a while.

12. I like museums, have eclectic taste in music and I enjoy artsy-fartsy movies.

13. I like hole-in-the-wall bars, enjoy AC/DC, and Ghostbusters is my favorite movie.

14. I became a fan of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers because of Super Bowl XIX.  The Dolphins colors bugged me, and when they lost to the 49-ers, my six-year-old mind thought it meant they were horrible, completely misunderstanding how big an accomplishment it was just to get to the Super Bowl.  So I chose the other home state team, Tampa Bay.  Plus, I was six...pirates were (and still are) way cooler than dolphins.
15. I drink far too much Diet Mountain Dew and will probably glow fluorescent green or yellow for years after I am dead because of it.

16. I will own a pig as a pet at some point in my life and plan on naming him Kevin Bacon.

17. Once, I drank 37 beers in an afternoon. Once.

18. I know that the 2 tallest "mountains" in the state of Florida are man-made and owned by Disney.

19. I once piloted the Good Year Blimp. And, no, that is not a euphemism for bedding a "fattie."

20. I once met Don King at Costco a week before Mike Tyson's comeback from prison fight and he had a cart full of toilet paper. Like 50 rolls. Maybe he needed it for the fight, but I like to think he just poo's a lot.

21. For the majority of my "adult life," I had bunk-beds and a refrigerator in my bedroom.

22. Although she is not my cup of tea, I think Hilary Swank is a very handsome woman.

23. I have played basketball since I was about 10 years old, and I'm not much better now than I was at sixteen. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm worse.

24. I once drank a half a bottle of absinthe and have no idea what happened for the rest of the day. If anyone has any information as to the goings-on of that afternoon, please e-mail me.

25. I like to read and I enjoy cooking.