If you're like me, then you know that a good sax solo can turn any normal song into a soundtrack for lovemakin'. This guy obviously lives by those words. Careless Whisper never sounded so good.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Greasy Sax Guy from Lost Boys got a Spin Off?!?
If you're like me, then you know that a good sax solo can turn any normal song into a soundtrack for lovemakin'. This guy obviously lives by those words. Careless Whisper never sounded so good.
If you're like me, then you know that a good sax solo can turn any normal song into a soundtrack for lovemakin'. This guy obviously lives by those words. Careless Whisper never sounded so good.
Friday, March 18, 2011
House Shopping is Sexier In Australia
Probably Because It's Done Down Under
(Honks bicycle horn, pie in face, nut shot, ta-da!)
This is an ad for a home up for sale in Australia. While it's a very creative way to draw attention to the property, they'd never get away with that here. All the pansy Christian groups and Parents for Shitty TV would complain and they'd take it off the air. But I must say, for a commercial, it's not bad. Although it's hastily cut to together and is shot in the same shaky-cam way they do The Bourne Identity films, it's still pretty effective. Actually, I'm not sure if I want to buy this house or fuck it.
Probably Because It's Done Down Under
(Honks bicycle horn, pie in face, nut shot, ta-da!)
This is an ad for a home up for sale in Australia. While it's a very creative way to draw attention to the property, they'd never get away with that here. All the pansy Christian groups and Parents for Shitty TV would complain and they'd take it off the air. But I must say, for a commercial, it's not bad. Although it's hastily cut to together and is shot in the same shaky-cam way they do The Bourne Identity films, it's still pretty effective. Actually, I'm not sure if I want to buy this house or fuck it.
Bob Dylan Wants Charles In Charge Of Him
Regardless of what you think of Jimmy Fallon, he was always a great impressionist, and he's displayed those talents on his show, with Niel Young probably being the most popular (clip here).
But recently, he's kicked it up a notch with a Charlie Sheen (clip) and last night Bob Dylan singing the theme to Charles in Charge (clip).
I think Jimmy has officially made up for Taxi, that abortion of a movie with Queen Latifa. (Editor's note: I want to combine her name into one mega name and call her LaQueefa...who's with me?)
Regardless of what you think of Jimmy Fallon, he was always a great impressionist, and he's displayed those talents on his show, with Niel Young probably being the most popular (clip here).
But recently, he's kicked it up a notch with a Charlie Sheen (clip) and last night Bob Dylan singing the theme to Charles in Charge (clip).
I think Jimmy has officially made up for Taxi, that abortion of a movie with Queen Latifa. (Editor's note: I want to combine her name into one mega name and call her LaQueefa...who's with me?)
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Zombie Apocalypse!!
(Not as Bad as Previously Feared)
I had a birthday party, I'm not gonna lie, there was alcohol involved. My buddy Jamie Brown gave my a zombie T-shirt. The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us....below via youtube (yes, I know it's sideways, suck it up & tilt your head and pretend you are as drunk as we were)
(Not as Bad as Previously Feared)
I had a birthday party, I'm not gonna lie, there was alcohol involved. My buddy Jamie Brown gave my a zombie T-shirt. The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us....below via youtube (yes, I know it's sideways, suck it up & tilt your head and pretend you are as drunk as we were)
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Today's Random Survey: Combos!
Cracker or Pretzel?
I ask the important questions. The questions my readers need answers to. The questions the mainstream media is too afraid to ask. Like what kind of combos is most popular? Well, 90% of those surveyed preferred pretzel combos to cracker combos. There were several votes for cheddar cheese flavor specifically.
You're welcome, America.
I'd Like To Thank The Academy...
The Oscars happened, and Ann Hathaway hosted with James Franco. He didn't really seem interested, but then again, she didn't really take her top off so I can understand his apathy.
The girl from the Fighter won Best Supporting Actress then said the "F" word during her speech. That's so 2003. I would've said the "C" word.
Batman won Best Supporting Actor...I would've done that thing where he throws a smoke bomb and then disappears when I left the stage...that would be awesome. Um, did you see Die Hard?
Best Actor was Colin Firth, who is a really good actor but I feel bad because every time I hear his name, I think "Colin Girth" which would make a really awesome porn name.
Best Actress went to Natalie Portman, who was in Black Swan with Mila Kunis, and they have this really hot scene where they do dirty stuff and that was all I thought of when I saw either of them but then Natalie went and got all pregnant and now all I think of is a roley-poley preggers chick.
Best Film went to The King's Speech. Eh, I mean I'm sure it was good, and I'd probably enjoy it but....well, there were so many other choices.
I mean, Black Swan had hot young lesbians!
Marky Mark & Batman as boxers who are brothers (actual brothers, not black guys).
Leo DiCapreo & Juno inside a dream inside a dream inside yet another dream.
James Franco cut off his arm!!! What's a guy gotta do to get an award around here?!?
And then, although I didn't see it, but I heard a lot of people "Liked" The Facebook movie (see what I did there?)
There was The Kids Are Alright (with more lesbians! ok, they were old, but still...lesbians!)
True Grit had Good Will Hunting & The Dude wearing an eye patch shooting people!!
All I'm saying is there was a lot to choose from. I feel like the Academy went the safe route in choosing The Kings Speech. But whatevs...at least it wasn't an Ashton Kootcher flick.
The Oscars happened, and Ann Hathaway hosted with James Franco. He didn't really seem interested, but then again, she didn't really take her top off so I can understand his apathy.
The girl from the Fighter won Best Supporting Actress then said the "F" word during her speech. That's so 2003. I would've said the "C" word.
Batman won Best Supporting Actor...I would've done that thing where he throws a smoke bomb and then disappears when I left the stage...that would be awesome. Um, did you see Die Hard?
Best Actor was Colin Firth, who is a really good actor but I feel bad because every time I hear his name, I think "Colin Girth" which would make a really awesome porn name.
Best Actress went to Natalie Portman, who was in Black Swan with Mila Kunis, and they have this really hot scene where they do dirty stuff and that was all I thought of when I saw either of them but then Natalie went and got all pregnant and now all I think of is a roley-poley preggers chick.
Best Film went to The King's Speech. Eh, I mean I'm sure it was good, and I'd probably enjoy it but....well, there were so many other choices.
I mean, Black Swan had hot young lesbians!
Marky Mark & Batman as boxers who are brothers (actual brothers, not black guys).
Leo DiCapreo & Juno inside a dream inside a dream inside yet another dream.
James Franco cut off his arm!!! What's a guy gotta do to get an award around here?!?
And then, although I didn't see it, but I heard a lot of people "Liked" The Facebook movie (see what I did there?)
There was The Kids Are Alright (with more lesbians! ok, they were old, but still...lesbians!)
True Grit had Good Will Hunting & The Dude wearing an eye patch shooting people!!
All I'm saying is there was a lot to choose from. I feel like the Academy went the safe route in choosing The Kings Speech. But whatevs...at least it wasn't an Ashton Kootcher flick.
Fear, Loathing, Blow-Up Dolls, Say Anything & 21 Jumpstreet
I'm not sure when this was taken (obviously it was while Hunter was still with us) but hot damn, that's one of the coolest things ever. Also, it makes me feel less weird that my friends and I have a habit of bringing blow-up dolls to parties.
Clockwise from bottom left:
Hunter S. Thompson, John Cusack, Johnny Depp, Blow-Up Whore
Monday, March 07, 2011
Jimmy Fallon is Winning the Charlie Sheen Parody
There have been a ton of Charlie Sheen jokes & parodies this week. My fave would have to be Jimmy Fallon. I know he used to laugh and break character on SNL all the time, but the stuff he's doing on late night is slowly making up for it.
Keep up the good work, Jimmy Fallon.
There have been a ton of Charlie Sheen jokes & parodies this week. My fave would have to be Jimmy Fallon. I know he used to laugh and break character on SNL all the time, but the stuff he's doing on late night is slowly making up for it.
Keep up the good work, Jimmy Fallon.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
TGIF is Tomorrow...today is HSIOT
Holy Shit Its Only Thursday?
This weeks seems like its taking forever...did they slip an extra day in between Tuesday & Wednesday? Murseday?
Let me just say that having a new job is awesome. Having my pay increased significantly is even awesomer. But...having no internet access at work is not awesome. At all. Not even a little.
I feel like I've neglected you, my pretties. But never fear, I've got a lot to go over from the week: Charlie Sheen, The Oscars, My General Ramblings
Also, seeing as though I have 3 birthday parties to attend this weekend (and two of them are mine) I'm sure I'll have tales of shenannigans & pictures to prove it this weekend.
Just to be safe, you should probably check back here once a day...sometimes 2 or 3 times.
Don't worry....Papa Wood knows what you need.
(that was my nick-name when I used to read to middle-school children at the rec center...that job didn't last long...for some reason, a bunch of parents complained)
Holy Shit Its Only Thursday?
This weeks seems like its taking forever...did they slip an extra day in between Tuesday & Wednesday? Murseday?
Let me just say that having a new job is awesome. Having my pay increased significantly is even awesomer. But...having no internet access at work is not awesome. At all. Not even a little.
I feel like I've neglected you, my pretties. But never fear, I've got a lot to go over from the week: Charlie Sheen, The Oscars, My General Ramblings
Also, seeing as though I have 3 birthday parties to attend this weekend (and two of them are mine) I'm sure I'll have tales of shenannigans & pictures to prove it this weekend.
Just to be safe, you should probably check back here once a day...sometimes 2 or 3 times.
Don't worry....Papa Wood knows what you need.
(that was my nick-name when I used to read to middle-school children at the rec center...that job didn't last long...for some reason, a bunch of parents complained)