Monday, July 25, 2005

Original post date - Monday, July 25, 2005

Ahh...To Be Young And In Love

So, Monday afternon, I'm at home doing nothing when Obi-Wan Canoli calls me to tell me about his Saturday night. He and Fernando O'Malley (he's Spanish and Irish, what the fuck nick name do you want me to give him?!?!) took these two girls home from the Ugly Mug. Fernando is in his room with his girl and Obi-Wan is in the guest room and he and his girl are hooking up. Well, it gets to "that point" and he needs protection and I don't mean a 9mm automatic and a vest. So he goes into the other room and asks Fernando for a little rain coat. Fernando says "Sorry, dude, we're all out! All I have is a fuckin' rubber glove...." "Good enough" replies Obi-Wan Canoli, crafty Poon-Jedi he is.
So Obi-Wan goes back into the room and continues to hook up with this girl and he says this to her:
Obi-Wan Canoli - Well, I got good news and bad news... Bad news is he didn't have any condoms. Good news is he had a rubber glove and we got five shots to make this work.

Fucking priceless, Obi-Wan. Priceless. The force is strong with this one. Rock and roll, bitches.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Original post date - Friday, July 22, 2005
Fiction From The Mind Of Woody (Am I high right now? Dammit...I think I'm high)
It was a dark and stormy night, not unlike this one. Wait, no one's here with me to witness how dark and stormy it is...crap. Oh well, just take my word for's pretty dark and pretty stromy. I had just gotten home from a long night at work and I stunk to high a bull's ass. Then again, I had been having sex with bulls all day long, so that may have had something to do with it. It was a pretty rough week. I started a new job on Monday as a door-to-door beef salesman. Don't let anyone tell you they make a good living selling beef in South Florida. That's a load of malarkey. Now Montana...that's a beef state! I could run the door-to-door beef racket there and live like a king. (hmm. Note to self: Move to Montana. Run the door-to-door beef racket. Live like a king.) But I don't live in Montana, I live in South Florida...where everyone knows someone in New York with a better something than in Florida. Why is it that when you're in another country, America is the best place in the world, but when you're in America, every state is shit except for the one you're from?
Anyway, like I said, it was dark and stormy, I had been humping bulls all day and I was tired. Oh yeah, I quit the beef job on Tuesday and needed some fast cash, so Wednesday morning I responded to an ad for a bull rider. I must have misunderstood it because when I began humping bovines, they fired me. Lucky for me someone had seen me in action and appreciated my technique, so they offered me a job. There's a lot of sicko's out there who will pay big bucks to see you balls deep in a bull's brown growler. You may be thiunking "Isn't it tough having sex with bulls?" You bet your sweet ass it's tough. Satisfying the bull is easy. It's convincing them to come home with you in the first place, that's the problem. I figured out that if you get them a little drunk, it's much easier. Ironically enough, they like Red Bull and vodka. Get it? Red Bull? Oh, go to hell, all of you.
Well, when I got home, I had about 37 threatening messages on my machine. Apparently the good folks at PETA got wind of the situation and they frown on my line of work. That, and seeing as beastiality was a violation of my parole, I was forced to quit. Oh well, guess it's back to the unemployment line on Monday. If anyone has a job for an out of work bull-humper with sales experience, call me.
As for tonight, I'm fresh out of the shower and feeling good. I plan on curling up with a good Julia Roberts movie and my cat, Mr. Fluffytail. Oh, and I have a hooker coming over in about 20 minutes to spank my bottom raw with a spatula while I masturbate with a cheese grater, so I have to be going. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
Until next time, this has been a tale of fiction from the mind of Woody.
None of the events mentioned actually took place. Any resemblance to persons, places or things, either living or deceased, real or fictitiious is purely coincidental. No animals were actually humped during the creation of this story.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Original post date - Wednesday, July 13, 2005
The Going Away Party
My friends, Joe and Jordan are moving to Philly for their wedding. Now, a little background on Joe: he grew up in Malaysia and Australia, and has never been to a strip club. So, to celebrate their last weekend here in sunny South Florida, I threw a barbecue at my house and then we were going to go to a strip club after. Almost like a co-ed bachelor/bachelorette party. Well, the festivities started very pathetic to say the least with everyone arriving 2 hours late. But once they did all show up, I knew it was gonna be trouble. Obi-Wan Canoli brought 144 bottle rockets. Yes, the same Obi-Wan that accidentally exploded a bottle rocket in his ass crack on the Fourth of July to celebrate our great nations independence. How patriotism and ass-crack shenanigans got mixed together I'm still not sure, but whatever. I digress. We started drinking beers, and I was going to go easy since I had consumed quite a few drinks the prior evening...that is, until the couple of honor showed up. Joe and Jordan came in with a bottle of pure evil. Absinthe. Supposedly, it can cause holucinations, kind of like an alcohol form of acid. Now, I must admit that it is not quite as strong as the stuff you will see in some areas in Europe. And the recipe has changed slightly since Van Gogh did a few shots of it and sliced his ear off. But I don't care who you are, 110 proof and 55 percent alcohol/volume is still fucking strong. By comparison, jagermeister is only 35 percent alcohol/volume, and that twists your nips up pretty damn good. And this stuff is stronger! So of course, I am intrigued. I start with the regular mix of Absinthe and sugar, which tastes like a cross between licorice jellybean and feet (not my favorite, but I'm not drinking because it tastes good, I'm drinking because I want to see colors ooze from a strippers boobies while I talk to her nipples). Then I decide to kick it up a notch and pour a little bit more of the super-drink in with some strawberry/lemonade gatorade. Jackpot. The sweet/sour taste covers the shit-balls taste of the satan juice completely and I proceed to have 6 fairly large glasses. This is where the day starts to go awry. Now, keep in mind that about 93 percent of what I'm telling you from now on is what I have been told by my friends, because I have little to no memory from about 8:00pm on. I will start with the events that I do recall:
-I vaguely remember watching "Old School" and during the part where Will Ferrell streaks, I decided it was a great idea. So I got up and went outside to streak. When everyone yelled at me to come back and put my pants on, I stole a line from Ferrell and exclaimed "But we're streaking...we're going up through the quad, to the gymnasium..."
-I remember being in a strip club. That's pretty much it. I know I was at one, however, I don't know what I did there.
-I remember eggs. I know it was Denny's and I ate eggs (ove medium) and bacon that was a little too crispy. And it was good.
-Sometime around 4am, it clears up a bit, and I awoke in bed with a girl who was not the girl I started the night with. One of my co-workers brought her friend, (who had a sexy little tatoo on the back of her neck) and I was somehow in bed with her. We were both clothed so I assume nothing happened. After I woke up, there was a little kissing but no full on canoodling. I remember SexyTatoo asking for a pair of boxer shorts. I gave her my scooby-doo Christmas boxers and exclaimed "Christmas is my favorite let me open my presents!!" She didn't let me open my presents.
-I remember waking up with SexyTatoo around 10am. We were spooning and my hand was in her shirt holding her boobs. Nothing wrong with that. I had no idea where my keys were, or how I ended up in bed with SexyTatoo.
Now for some of the things that absinthe deleted from my memory (compiled completely from eye-witnesses):
-On the ride to the strip club, I decided to completely trash the inside of the car I was in. Throwing CD's, papers, and everything she had in her car all over the place. Aparently, I was "endangerig our lives" by completely distracting the driver/climbing into her lap. Whatever.
-Also while driving to the strip club, we pulled up next to a car full of my friends and I felt the need to hang my wang out the window. I was informed that I took my pants down and contorted my body as such so that my crotch was in the window. I later found out that this act had been provoked by a mooning from the other car. See? There was a perfectly good reason to hang my wang out the window...I'm not crazy.
-While at the strip club, I kissed a friend of mine. Then I kissed SexyTatoo. Then we all kissed each other. Dammit! I actually wish I could remember this one. Oh well.
-Also while at the strip club, I spent over $120 buying lap dances for my friend Joe. I didn't get any for myself...not one. I have no idea. Also, I was seen with my last $4 asking a stripper who looked like a slightly less masculine version of James Caan what she would do to my friend for $4...she told me to save my money. I'm sure Joe was glad she did.
-Soon after I ran out of money, I began professing my love for SexyTatoo and this lead to the original girl I was supposed to be there with leaving with my car keys. (I have since been forgiven for my actions as I have no memory of them actually happening. While we discussed the events of the evening, I kept insisting she use the word "allegedly" when referring to my indiscretions. I should be a lawyer.)
-I decided it was a good idea for Obi-Wan Canoli to T-Bag Joe while he was passed out back at the house. I then "took pictures" with a digital camera that had no bateries in it and therefore wasn't actually taking any pictures at all. Neither Obi-Wan nor myself noticed anything wrong. That's right, it was a DIGITAL camera and neither of us noticed anything wrong when it wouldn't turn on. Simply amazing. And we went to look at the pictures the next morning when someone told us we were taking them.
To summarize, I give absinthe two thumbs up. It made for a great time, and even though I don't remember all of it, I had this euphoric feeling all day long, and no hangover the next day. I also got a few good stories out of it. Keep in mind...this is only a fraction of what happened. I still have a crack team of researchers looking into the rest of the nights events. It's like trying to find out what actually happened with JFK. Everyone was there, watching the whole time, but no one knows what really took place. At the end of the day, he ended up with a lot less brain cells than he started with. So did I. Only difference is, I'm still president. Hail to the chief, bitches...hail to the chief!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Original post date - Wednesday, July 06, 2005
4TH OF JULY WEEKEND REVIEW (A.K.A. I can't believe I drank that much this weekend)
I don't know if this will do my weekend justice. Really. I don't think that there is a way to describe the level of rediculousness that was achieved this weekend. From Friday night to Tuesday night, it was absolute anarchy.
Friday Night: Went to work like any other Friday. There is this girl who comes in and I have hooked up with her a few times...nothing crazy, we just seem to end up making out whenever we're alone at the end of the night. We'll call her Julie9. Julie and I hadn't hooked up for a week and didn't hang out so I figured that ship has sailed. So I make a date for after work to have this cute little 18 year old meet me and go to a party a friend was having. 18 meets me and we go to the party, but so did a bunch of people from work, including Julie. Ouch. A little awkward, but I introduce 18 and Julie like it's normal and nothing bad happens. That's what I usually do when I enter a seemingly difficult social situation...I ignore it, put my head down and plow through it dragging whoever else is involved. But I don't want to be rude so I quickly leave the party with 18 and go to the Ugly Mug. There, 18 and I decide to get a little wasted and we are sitting there doing shots when Julie and some friends come walking in. Dammit! I'm trying to avoid her so as not to rub it in that I'm hanging with another chick and following me like herpes. So we leave, and 18 drops me off at home. I do not invite her in as I'm so drunk I can't find my wang and if I did I wouldn't know what to do with it. I puke, sleep it off, wake up and wonder where I left my car.
Saturday: My friend Joe comes over with his guitar and amp. I jump on my drumset and we proceed to make horrible rock music. We name our two piece band Stacked Where It Counts (A.K.A. SWIC). We think we are rock Gods. My neighbors think we suck. I go to work.
Saturday Night: The night starts bad. I am looking around the club and it's slim pickins. A bunch of my boys are there so the few girls who are decent enough to talk to without a barf bag are getting hounded by all the wolves. Then I spot 2 girls at the bar. One is little and hot. The other has a pretty face and ginormous boobies, but her ass is wider than mine and that is a problem for me, especially when I haven't had a drop to drink. I make my way over to them and plop down on the big one's lap (trust me, that lap was strong enough to hold me and a 5 gallon drum of cookie dough, which I'm sure she wouldn't object to). I start to chat them up and the cute little one admits that she has been taking my picture while I'm on stage because "I'm adorable." Whatever. The door is open and I'm going in and shutting it before one of these other guys has a chance to cockblock. My buddy Obi-Wan Canolli sees me at work and decides he'll ride shotgun and talk to biggie. Turns out she's visiting from Connecticut and she's a gym teacher (there are a million jokes I could make right now about big girl being a gym teacher - I'll let you make your own).
It is still only midnight so I have 2 hours left of work before I can get them to go out for drinks. I am having a nice conversation when Obi-Wan, wanting to be funny, sneaks up behind me and wacks me in the nuts from behind. Why do some guys think this is funny? Damn that kid! He's a decent wingman, but do you think Goose would have punched Maverick in the nutbag? Would Starsky do that to Hutch? No!! Let me just say the pain was bordering on unbearable. He his me so hard, I thought my left nut was gonna pop out my throat. I waited the obligatory 20-30 seconds for the pain to set in then I crumpled to the ground. I used this opportunity to get the sympathy vote from Cute&little and decided to lean into her lap for comfort. She did not disapoint as she rubbed my back and ordered me an ice water. Ah, the Florence Nightengale know, where a nurse falls for her's a beautiful thing. From that point on, I was done for the night. I went up to play drums on a song with the band, which only solidified my coolness with her. We went to the Ugly Mug after work, me with Cute/little, Obi-Wan with GymTeacher and things were going swimmingly. Obi-Wan is so confident that he asks for a condom, telling me I owe him one for the time he gave me one for "Sandy" (a girl I had sex with at the beach-get it? sand? Sandy?) I hand him one, but it's a magnum. Obi-Wan says in his thickest Brooklyn accent "What the fuck am I gonna do wit this?!? Sleep in it? Oh well, fuck it! I'll just tie a knot in it." It was classic Obi-Wan Canolli. At that point, I noticed Julie9 walking in and I actually felt like crap. Here I was, only a week after I was sitting there with HER at the bar, and now for two consecutive days, I am seen with two different girls. She can't be feeling happy about this. And I am developing a conscience. I decide to leave and Obi-Wan and his girl and me and my girl all go back to my house. I set them up in the guest room and pull the old "Want to see my room?" routine. Cute/little is very sassy and we are very tipsy and we have a lot of fun. (Side note-I think I am seeing her tonight. Hooray for my talleywacker!)
The next morning, we wake up because she has to work. We go to get Obi-Wan and GymTeacher up. There they are...skinny kid and big girl... spooning...but the reverse way...she is spooning him and he's all wrapped up in her arms. One of the funniest things I've ever seen. Sunday Night: Sunday night was Juniors party. Him and ChokeYa have been drinking all day. I get there with my standard bottle of jager and 6 cans of redbull. I say screw you to shots and beers and start off the night with a jager-wood. This is a drink that I invented. I had to invent it because no one else is stupid enough to drink a double glass of jager on the rocks with a splash of redbull. It is the perfect drink if you want to forget how to do simple math. Or tie your shoes. Or the difference between plump and skinny. A problem I would be faced with soon enough. Oh, yeah, and don't follow 2 jager-woods with 5 shots of straight jager. Not smart. I realize that things are getting out of control when the plump girls that showed up earlier were gone and replaced by these kinda cute girls dressed exactly the same. I would come to realize that these were actually the same plump girls, they had just used magic powers to make them selves look skinnier. Or it could have been the jager. But anyway, we start to play a game called something like "Get Smashed" or "Drink Up" and basically, you roll the dice, move to a space and drink. That's the game. And I am very good at this game and I'm winning (I think). We play for a while until we decide unstructured drinking is more fun than structured drinking, and I end up in a bathroom with a girl. I think her name was Avia, or Arrugala, or Ambian or something like that. Ok, so I don't know what her name was. But I did try to convince her that sex in a bathroom is a good idea. It went something like this:
Woody: Let's have sex in the bathroom.
Ambulance: No! We can't have sex in the bathroom!
Woody: Well, have you ever HAD sex in a bathroom?
Aliflauer: Well, no.
Woody: It's hot! Trust me! It's kinda kinky...
Aligator: Let's go into the bedroom instead.
I am happy to hear that much so we go into the bedroom, and don't lock the door. The next hour and a half were a mix of her friends coming in, my friends coming in, me trying to convince her that it was ok to do it, me getting about an incomplete 2 and a half minute BJ, me getting my pants ripped off all the way by one of my friends, her going and getting them back for me, and finally Obi-Wan telling me that Julie9 was there the whole time, she was leaving and agreed to drive my drunk ass home. Crap! Julie9 hates me, there is no way she is gonna take me home...she's gonna take me to a field somewhere, kill me and dump my body.
Well, she didn't take me to a field. She took me home and wanted to come inside and talk. Talking turned to kissing. Kissing turned to other stuff and I got another incomplete 2 and a half minute BJ. I wish I could remember what I said to get her to go from wanting to poison me to polishing my knob. It was the greatest sales negotiation since the Louisiana Purchase. I called in sick to work the next morning, went to get Denny's and took a nap. It was the 4th of July, afterall, and Obi-Wan Canolli's barbecue was today. I had better get in shape, because there was no end in site for my drunken shenanigans.
Monday, July 4th: After waking up, Julie9 came over and we got to dry hump for a while. I can see a trend developing as to why I hook up with her a little and then end up having sex with another girl. It always ends with her leaving me unfullfilled and me masturbating after she leaves. Oh well.
I leave to go to Obi-Wan's barbecue. I start at 2:00pm, have two beers and my buzz is back from the night before. That's apparently the trick to cheap drinking...don't let too much time pass between the time you stop the drinking and the time you start the drinking again. Otherwise all the alcohol leaves your system from the previous drinking and you have to start over with even more drinking. More and more people show up, more and more beer is consumed. Then someone sends someone on an alcohol run and my old German friend jagermeister shows up uninvited. In my drunken state, I start to wonder if it is polite for him to show up at a party celebrating America's independence, seeing that he is German and all. Jagermeiseter, crafty negotiator that he is, convinces me that it's a great idea and before long me and Obi-Wan are drinking straight from the bottle. This is not before the following takes place:
-Obi-Wan Canolli sticks a bottle rocket in the plumber's crack of his ass and tries to light it. It can't get out of his skinny crack so it explodes behind him leaving him with a few war wounds. It really is funny seeing a 5'9" 140lb shirtless Italian with his pants half down his ass and a bottle rocket stuck in his crack, realize that it's not taking off and try to run from his own ass.
-"The Voice" makes it's first appearence of the night as I am now drunk enough to do my Robert Goulet impression. It will continue to make appearences up to about 1:30am.
-Not one but two decent sized watermellons are absolutely destroyed by some form of illegal explosive.
-Obi-Wan has fallen off the skateboard at least 2 times, giving him numerous bits of "road rash." -A rousing performance of YMCA by myself and Obi-Wan Canolli
-A rousing performance of "Do a Little Dance, Make a Little Love, Get Down Tonight" by myself, Obi-Wan and other people (I don't remember who).
-An alcohol fueled conversation about Yoda in Porn and what it would sound like if someone with a speak-n-spell was talking to someone with a tracheotomy mic to speak (I'm going to hell, I know)
All in all, the 4th of July was very enjoyable. There is more to tell but I have to remember it all first.
Tuesday: Tuesday was uneventful. I went to the beach for a few hours, then 18 came over and we had sex while watching Starsky & Hutch (the Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson version). That's a great movie.
Let's go to the numbers:
Number of large-size bottles of jagermeister consumed at 2 events which I attended: 5
Number of small-sized bottles of jagermeister consumed at Friday night party: 1
Number of watermellons destroyed: 2
Number of failed ass-crack launched bottle rocket attempts: 1
Number of incomplete BJ's received: 2
Number of beers consumed: ?
Number of times I was awake past 8 am from the night before: 2
Number of new sexual partners: 2
Number of hamburgers consumed during 4th of July barbecue: 4
Number of brain cells killed: ?
Hot dang! I love 4th of July weekend.
God Bless America!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Original post date - Friday, July 01, 2005
Rednecks Are People Too (They're just very weird people)

Here, in this one story, is the reason why everyone makes fun of rednecks. Forget Jeff Foxworthy, this is when you might be a redneck. Listen up.
A few months ago, there was a redneck couple in my club celebrating their 12th wedding anniversary with a bunch of their friends. The guy was chubby, balding with a goatee-kind of a Billy Bob Thornton but not quite as cultured, the girl looked like Anthony Michael Hall after a botched sex change. You know what I'm talking her face caught on fire and some put it out with a B-B gun. Not pretty is what I'm trying to say. Anyway, we got them on stage to do a bit and during the bit she is supposed to grab his package. However, instead of grabbing it, she smacks him in the hoo-ha. Afterwards, she's ordering another Natural Light and I'm standing near the husband, when he tells me the single most disturbingly funny thing I've ever heard:
Redneck: Man, don't you know you never ask a drunk woman to touch your pecker, cause she gonna smack it every time!
Woody: Sorry man.
Redneck: And man, let me tell you she is drunk...she been drinkin' since 11:00 in the afternoon (note: he is not aware that 11:00 is morning...mmm-hmm). And I don't mean just drinkin, I mean drinkin! Between 11:00 in the afternoon and the car ride over here, she killed an 18 pack of bud. And she been drinkin' here, too! I told my buddy, I said, "ay man, she so drunk, we both gonna fuck her tonight." But I told the son of a bitch...I get the asshole first!
At this point I am speachless. "I get the asshole first?!?!" And this is a good thing? You've got to be kidding me. They were celebrating their 12th wedding anniversary, and as a gift, Billy-Bob and Goober are gonna double team her and stuff one in the mud onion?!?! They're gonna do a D.P. on his wife, and he's ok with that? And he wasn't even claiming the asshole for himself! He said he get's it first!!!! First!!! That means, not only is he gonna run a wagon train on his wife of 12 years with the whole trailer park, but he's gonna share the brown eye with them, too!! What the hell?!?!
I wish I was making this up, but I'm not. Damn you rednecks.